Thursday, October 04, 2007

Papers, Please... I Vould Like To Zee Yer Papers

So, I ran to our friendly neighborhood Super Target last night to grab our son some new socks (his feet are massive now and eating through his old socks like they are make of acid... the feet, not the socks) as well as pick up some groceries. Does it make me less hip to admit that I have a strange, secret crush on Target and all their supposedly low prices? I say "supposedly," because groceries seem to cost more at Target than any other place on earth, unless you're buying pods for my ridiculously pretentious and complicated coffee maker. On the one hand, I just know they're screwing me with their prices, but their commercials are all shiny and have lots of stuff spinning around and they keep saying they'll save me money, so I believe them.


In many respects, Target is a lot like a politician. If Target runs for president in 2008, expect a landslide vote, then a raise in taxes all while sweater clad twenty-somethings smile and wave and dance with new appliances. Seriously.

Anyway, this post isn't about Target's bait and switch tactics. No, this post is about cold medicine.

Denver Mom wasn't feeling well and asked that I get her some "Advil Nighttime." After ten minutes spent looking for it in the cold medicine aisle, I determined that it doesn't actually exist, so I grabbed "Advil Cold & Sinus." Or, I thought I was grabbing Advil Cold & Sinus. In reality, I was grabbing a little plastic card, which told me I had to go up to the pharmacy desk if I actually wanted medicine. Then, the pharmacist asked to see my ID, then scanned it, and made me pay for the cold medicine right there, even though I had a whole cart of groceries I was going to be paying for shortly. I even asked the guy, "This isn't a prescription. This is just normal cold medicine, right?" The look I got, in response, was a combination of annoyance and shock.

What's going on here? It's not like the medicine was expensive ($4.85). I literally had an easier time getting codeine when I had pneumonia. Is there some rash of crazy teenagers getting hopped up on decongestant?


Anonymous said...

It is federal law now that any OTC meds with ephedrin or psuedoephidrine (sp?) have to be bought at the pharmacy and they have to keep a record of how buys what and how many. It is supposed to keep people who make Meth from buying so many cold products to make their Meth with.

Just wait...if you need a kids cold medicine you may not be able to find the one that works so well because A. they switched the formula to another decongestant that Meth users don't want ro B. the store doesn't carry it anymore (like Walmart and regular Pedia Care).

AND...since you can only get these meds at a pharmacy you are screwed if you can't find a 24hr pharmacy in the middle of the night of your kid gets sick after usual store hours. :-(

AND you can't stock up on it either as that sends up a red flag and have people come investigate you...

I understand it...but it is a pain when you have a sick child and the only thing that helps is the old formulas that some stores don't bother to carry anymore...

p-man said...

Buy it online from a pharmacy in Manitoba.

nonlineargirl said...

Seems like all the politicians here (Oregon) can talk about is meth meth meth. With all that rural/frontier space in CO I'd think your pols would be going on about it too.

Dad Stuff said...

I work at a pharmacy and it has been a pain for almost 2 years. I'm not even sure if it is doing any good combating meth.
I hope it is.

Unknown said...

All I know is that law is a PAIN IN MY ARSE!!! My sinus infection, allergy ridden arse!!! ;)

And P.S. I love Target too. But you are soooo right about the prices. Who cares though? I refuse to go to WalMart.

Lainey-Paney said...

As a matter of fact, there are a bunch of teens trying to get hopped up on cold medicine.

I work in an ER. Teens are trying all kinds of stuff, and OD'ing on OTC meds. Yes, taking too much of some of those OTC meds can kill you.

and....the ingredients used in a lot of OTC cold medicines are also used in making meth. Meth is....a huuuuuuuuuuuuge problem for this country, and it's a growing problem.